Caregiver Information

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be overwhelming, which is why we provide you with personalized and comprehensive support to prepare you for the challenges ahead.


Team physician consults with family
Early engagement is crucial in promoting advanced care planning for families. Schedule your first appointment to start receiving valuable resources and support.

Our Impact

At MemoryCare, we equip caregivers with the knowledge and support they need to care for their loved ones.

At MemoryCare, it's about family

Memory impairment affects close to half of Americans over age 85.

Alzheimer’s disease, the most well-known condition in the family of cognitive disorders, is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention. Regardless of the diagnosis, cognitive disorders are often the most common reasons we lose independence as we age.

These diseases profoundly affect not only the person living with memory impairment, but their caregivers who are frequently family members. Recognizing this, MemoryCare created an innovative, community-based model of care that extends beyond the expected -patient assessments, diagnosis and treatment- to clinical support that informs, prepares, comforts and guides families and their loved ones about what is often a long and uncertain journey.

“By engaging caregivers early in the dementia diagnostic process, MemoryCare is able to promote advanced care planning for families, guide and establish safe routines, prolong time at home and ease the stress that dementia can cause.”

                                            –Dr. Margaret Noel, MemoryCare Medical Director/Founder

Is it Time for Tech?

This program is tailored for caregivers seeking to harness technology to enhance care and support. Presented by Loy Campbell, OT, Dementia Specialist on September 12, 2024 Click here to return…
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Book Club with Dr. Gordon

Starting on November 21, 2024 at 2 pm, MemoryCare’s Dr. Gordon will be hosting a quarterly book club, discussing books that could be beneficial to caregivers of those with cognitive…
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Finding Your Way as a Family Caregiver

This presentation follows three families as they learn to navigate the healthcare system, the legal system, financial system, and their family systems. Presented by Dr. Carolyn Clevenger, Founder of Emory…
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