Board of Directors

A Message from a MemoryCare Board President:


Dementia is not a “feel good” topic but the disease is affecting more and more people around the world.  Families need guidance and, here in Western North Carolina, we are incredibly fortunate to have MemoryCare, a nationally recognized, innovative leader in dementia care.  This remarkable organization engages caregivers and families as a part of the care team.  Their staff gives care and direction at a time when it can be hard to see a way forward.

I first learned of MemoryCare when my wife was diagnosed with dementia and, along with her primary care physician, our friends and neighbors recommended the program.  It was excellent advice and, as hard as it was, I know our family’s journey was better with MemoryCare’s help.

I’m not alone in appreciating the expertise, education and support available at MemoryCare: 99-100% of caregivers surveyed say they would recommend MemoryCare for other families caring for a loved one with dementia.  Those with dementia seen at MemoryCare have fewer and shorter hospitalizations than others with the disease, which, from my role as a caregiver, I know makes a huge difference in quality of life!

In 2018, 1,034 families enrolled in MemoryCare’s clinical program and we provided education to over 2,000 individuals.  Every year, we face the challenge of raising half of our income through grants, investment income and donations to pay for expenses not covered by insurance or our caregiver fee and to ensure anyone with need is able to receive services.

As a donor, a board member, a caregiver and an aging adult in this community, I ask for your financial support of this award winning, unique program.  Please know what a difference it will make for families.  And, thank you for any support you can offer.

Gerald De Land
(President 2019-2020)


Laura Meherg

Vice President:

Ryan Harman


Noel Swartz, CPA

Board Members:

Georgia Crump, LPN, DRN, CDP

Faith Doyle

Nancy Lauffer

Doris Loomis

Diane Mance

Janet Moore, MPS, APR

Candy Shivers

David Whilden

Ex-Officio Board Members:

Margaret A. Noel, MD ~ Medical Director/Founder

Chrissie Gulden, MPH ~ Executive Director
