Alzheimer’s Doctor Asheville NC

The best source to find an Alzheimer’s doctor Asheville NC has available is through MemoryCare.
MemoryCare is a nonprofit organization that offers community-based care for memory-impaired individuals in Asheville and the surrounding Western North Carolina region. Traditional treatment for dementia care focuses on the patient. At MemoryCare, our goal is to incorporate support and care to this traditional treatment model. Continue reading to learn more about our clinical model and what sets us apart. If you are searching for the best Alzheimer’s doctor Asheville NC has to offer, contact MemoryCare by emailing or call (828) 771-2219.
When you have a loved one with memory disease, it is essential that you seek a quality medical provider. MemoryCare physicians are able to develop tailored plans shared with the patient’s caregivers and medical providers to help manage the disease as well as possible. Memory diseases can manifest themselves differently in each individual, so it is essential that you have a medical provider that tailors’ treatment individually. If you are a caregiver for your loved one with Alzheimer’s, you will be included in each appointment. You will not find this attention to detail in regard to treatment with other Alzheimer’s doctor Asheville NC has to offer. Learn more about how we support caregivers.
MemoryCare offers services such as the following: providing an accurate diagnosis; providing caregiver training, counseling, and support; helping with behavioral management; help filing for assistance with low-income families; coordinating services provided by other agencies; prompting to address financial, legal, and safety issues; prescribing for disease-specific medications; assisting with end-of-life decisions and advance directives; provision of written care plan to families in coordination with primary care physicians; education on aging issues to the community and training to other health care professionals in geriatrics; home visitation program in Buncombe County for clinical assessment when needed; and time to listen to care needs.
The best care and Alzheimer’s doctor Asheville NC has to offer is MemoryCare. Learn more about our organization by contacting us today and get the help and support you need as a caregiver.