Caregiver Information

With few exceptions, families prefer to care for their loved ones at home as long as possible.

Caregiving is challenging, rewarding, frustrating, and at times overwhelming. As the disease progresses, holding on to compassion and understanding becomes more difficult. This is why MemoryCare’s focus extends beyond the patient to the caregiver.

Daughter hugging motherBecause every patient is different and each day, hour or minute can differ dramatically, caring for the caregiver is critically important. We do this through educational programs like Caregiver College; relevant, timely clinical information; a Caregiver Network that provides peer support.

“MemoryCare brings a tailored approach to a very difficult illness, one that recognizes the whole person, that walks beside families who want to honor and care for a loved one and teaches them to be able to do so.”

-Dr. Margaret Noel, Memory Care Founder

MemoryCare is the modern day version of old fashioned care. They also work cohesively with other health care providers in coordinating care. For our family, the MemoryCare staff have not only been our healthcare providers, but also our compass.

MemoryCare Caregiver

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