“By engaging caregivers early in the dementia diagnostic process, MemoryCare is able to promote advanced care planning for families, guide and establish safe routines, prolong time at home and ease the stress that Dementia can cause.”

-Dr. Margaret Noel, MemoryCare Medical Director/Founder

Support Groups by County


Caring for People Education and Support (CAPES)
Class topics include dementia, legal issues, coping with stress, self-care, community resources, and making difficult life choices.

Not meeting, at this time. To resume in Spring 2023, timing and location TBD.
Click here for more information. No cost to attend.

MountainCare Caregiver Support Group
 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3:30-5:00.
In person only.  Please confirm attendance in advance.
MountainCare Adult Day Services
68-A Sweeten Creek Road, Asheville
(828) 277-3399 or email connect@mtncare.org

CarePartners – Aphasia
This group is for caregivers and people who have speech and reading problems resulting from a stroke.
1st Monday monthly from 11:00 am-12:00 pm
68 Sweeten Creek Rd.
(828) 684-9619; Edna Tipton

CarePartners Bereavement Support Groups
CarePartners Main Campus
Call for more information: (828) 251-0126

MemoryCaregivers Network Group
Meets Tuesdays via Zoom, 1:00-3:00pm
Contact Mary Donnelly, network@memorycare.org, to sign up.

Dementia Partners AVL
Click here for current schedule.
For more information, contact Joyce and Vernon Robinson (828-367-7388) or dementiapartners.AVL@gmail.com

Asheville Continued...

MCI Support Group
Offers a support group specifically for persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Caregivers are welcome to join their loved ones, but these meetings are primarily focused on persons experiencing MCI.
1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 12am at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, led by Paul Rogers MD
For more information, contact the church at 828-254-3274

Parkinson’s Support Group
Offers a support group for caregivers of people with Parkinson’s disease.
1st Tuesday of every month from September to June except December from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Rd. Asheville NC 28805

Contact 828-579-7897 or email parkinsonsavl@gmail.com


789 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
For more information, contact Richard Coble at rcoble@gcpcusa.org

2nd Tuesday monthly
6:30 pm
Aston Park HCC
380 Brevard Rd.
(704) 960-6957
Facilitators: Morgan Morton & Matt Vest
Email for more information:

Black Mountain

Memory Loss Caregivers of East Buncombe
Sponsored by Highland Farms Residents Corp.

2nd Tuesday Monthly from 9:30-11:30 am
Highland Farms Retirement Community
200 Tabernacle Road
Black Mountain, NC 28711
(Brookside Building, J-K Entrance, lower level lounge 3)
Contact Mary Donnelly for more information: 828-230-4143 or maryddsnow@gmail.com 


Henderson County Caregiver Support Groups

Caregiver (Spouse) Support Group
1st Tuesday of the month, 1-2:30 pm

Family Caregiver Support Group
3rd Tuesday of the month, 1-2:30 pm

Both meetings are held at First United Methodist Church, 6th and Church St., Hendersonville.
Contact: Lisa Kauffman 561-371-9410. Group size is limited, so please call regarding the meetings and space availability.


Caregiver (Spouse) Support Group
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, 1 – 2:30 pm

Cheers Group (For the spouse with dementia)
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, 1 – 2:30 pm

These groups meet at First Baptist Church of Hendersonville, 5th and Blythe St. in the ESL building. This support group requires that the spouses with dementia also are willing to attend and be part of the meetings.

Contact: Lisa Kauffman 561-371-9410
Group size is limited, so please call regarding interest and space availability.

Support Group for Spouses
Grace Lutheran Church at 6th and Blythe Street
Mike Williamson, Facilitator
Meetings: The 2nd Tuesday of the month 1 – 2:30 pm
Call Mike at 810 955-1385 regarding the meeting times and space availability.


Growing Through Grief Support Group
1st Thursday monthly at 2:00 pm
Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church
249 E. Main St.
Kathe Harris, 828-862-6970.


Yancey County Dementia Caregivers Support Group Meeting – 4th Thursdays at 2pm

New friends are always welcome at the Dementia Caregivers Support Group. We meet monthly on the 4th Thursday, 2pm. If you think you’d like to attend, please contact April Henkel at henkelag@outlook.com for location information.

WHAT TO EXPECT: A safe place where emotions about caregiving can be expressed and validated (like frustration, grief, anger), helping participants know they are NOT alone. You’ll gather ideas and tips from others about how to manage common challenges of dementia care. Click here for more info.


Caregiver Consultation
Direct complimentary consultation with Leigh Morrow-Odom, PhD CCC-SLP, Associate Professor, Speech-Language Pathologist
Western North Carolina University

Contact Leigh Odom at KMOdom@email.wcu.edu

Alzheimer’s Association Western Carolina Chapter-
Mountain Area Family Support Group Meeting Schedule

The facilitators are volunteers; please call them only for questions directly related to the support group. Please call the Chapter office, 800-888-6671, or the 24 hour Helpline, 800-272-3900, for information on Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders, resources, educational programs, support group changes, or other questions! NO SOLICITATIONS PLEASE.

For more information about these support groups, click here.

Avery County

3rd Tuesday monthly
1:30 pm
Avery Senior Center
165 Shulz Circle

Catawba County

3rd Tuesday monthly
5:00 pm
The Lutheran Home
1265 21st Street N.E.

3rd Thursday monthly
6:00 pm
Carillon Assisted Living
1088 Radio Station Drive

Haywood County

Macon County

Dementia Caregivers Support Group
1st Thursday monthly
2:00 pm
Crawford Senior Center
108 Wayah St., Franklin NC

Facilitator- Kathy Zoss

Madison County

Marshall Library
Family Caregiver Support Group
2nd and 4th Thursdays

Mars Hill Library
Senior Resources & Family Caregiver Support
1st, 3rd, and any 5th Thursdays

Polk County

Foothills Dementia and Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group
Last Wednesday monthly, 3:00-4:30pm
The Meeting Place
75 Carmel Ln

Caregivers are encouraged to bring their loved one with cognitive impairment, respite care provided during the meeting.

Contact Peggy Wyllie at 828-859-6339 to register and for more information

Rutherford County

3rd Tuesday monthly
6:30 pm
The Perry Moore House
264 North Main Street
