“Any journey begins with a single step. For Betty and me, it began with the diagnosis of early stage dementia by Dr. Noel. We were guided along this frightening and difficult path by a wonderful and caring staff which we came to see not only as gifted professionals, but as caring friends: Friends we trusted to guide us along a path which had many twists, turns and pitfalls. They were always available to explain and anticipate new and sometimes frightening events. They gave me, the caregiver, suggestions as to when adult day care needed to become a part of our life. Finally, the most difficult decision as to when it was time to move Betty to full time nursing care in a facility which was close enough for me to maintain contact. They helped me to come to realize that I was not abandoning her, only making sure that she was well cared for, and that the time had come when Betty’s needs had exceeded my ability, not my desire, to care for her.
Moving Betty to a nursing facility was the most difficult thing I have ever done. In the nursing facility, Betty was cared for 24 hours a day when it was hazardous to Betty and me to continue in home care.
Although the journey was not an easy one for us, the resources available at MemoryCare made it endurable. They helped me avoid many medical and emotional pitfalls. For this reason, I believe the people of Western North Carolina are fortunate to have the resources of MemoryCare available. To ensure that MemoryCare will be available to those who need it in the future, I have created an investment account that will further fund MemoryCare when I join my beautiful and loving wife in our heavenly home. I encourage anyone who has a spouse, relative or friend who has Alzheimer’s to join me in that effort. Any gift, small or large, will insure that MemoryCare is available to those who will need it in the future. They may never know your name or shake your hand, but they will bless you when the time comes for them to need MemoryCare. “
"A little song I like" (shared by Dale)
“Song Sung Blue
Me and you are subject to Blues now and then
When you take the blues and make a song, you sing them out again
Song sung blue weeping like a willow
Song sung blue sleeping on my pillow
Funny thing but you can sing with a cry in your voice
And before long you are feeling better, you got no choice”
“Any journey begins with a single step. For Betty and me, it began with the diagnosis of early stage dementia by Dr. Noel. We were guided along this frightening and difficult path by a wonderful and caring staff which we came to see not only as gifted professionals, but as caring friends: Friends we trusted to guide us along a path which had many twists, turns and pitfalls. They were always available to explain and anticipate new and sometimes frightening events. They gave me, the caregiver, suggestions as to when adult day care needed to become a part of our life. Finally, the most difficult decision as to when it was time to move Betty to full time nursing care in a facility which was close enough for me to maintain contact. They helped me to come to realize that I was not abandoning her, only making sure that she was well cared for, and that the time had come when Betty’s needs had exceeded my ability, not my desire, to care for her. Moving Betty to a nursing facility was the most difficult thing I have ever done. In the nursing facility, Betty was cared for 24 hours a day when it was hazardous to Betty and me to continue in home care. Although the journey was not an easy one for us, the resources available at MemoryCare made it endurable. They helped me avoid many medical and emotional pitfalls. For this reason, I believe the people of Western North Carolina are fortunate to have the resources of MemoryCare available. To ensure that MemoryCare will be available to those who need it in the future, I have created an investment account that will further fund MemoryCare when I join my beautiful and loving wife in our heavenly home. I...