Community Education

Welcome to MemoryCare’s Community Education!

These presentations were previously recorded during our live education programming and cover a variety of topics. Click below to access available courses and check back for periodic updates.

To view our upcoming live education events, visit our Events Calendar.

Email if you have any questions or are interested in speaking for an upcoming presentation opening.

MemoryCare does not endorse or recommend any services, products, or literature.  Any viewpoints or opinions expressed by presenters are their own.

Book Club with Dr. Gordon

MemoryCare’s Dr. Gordon will be hosting a quarterly book club, discussing books that could be beneficial to caregivers of those with cognitive impairment. The next…

Is it Time for Tech?

This program is tailored for caregivers seeking to harness technology to enhance care and support. Presented by Loy Campbell, OT, Dementia Specialist on September 12,…

Finding Your Way as a Family Caregiver

This presentation follows three families as they learn to navigate the healthcare system, the legal system, financial system, and their family systems. Presented by Dr.…

Combating Elder Fraud

How do the fraudsters get to us and what techniques do they use to take advantage of us?  We will explore the ways they use…

MemoryCare is nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is three-fold: To provide specialized medical care to older adults with cognitive impairment; to support caregivers with education, counseling, and improved access to services; and to provide community education. This education programming would not be possible without generous donations. Thank you for helping us make these programs available to all with need!

MemoryCare is a 501(c)3 public charity as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Tax ID: 56-2178294.  Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
