Mary Donnelly is a professional dementia consultant and a former caregiver for her mother. A past Board President for MemoryCare, Mary was a founding member of the MemoryCaregivers Network and became the Network Coordinator. In addition to running a peer caregiver support group for MemoryCare, she writes and edits a bi-monthly e-newsletter, Caregiver Network News, and is part of the teaching staff for our Caregiver College.
Apart from her work at MemoryCare, Mary has a private business (, is on the staff of national dementia expert Teepa Snow and is also a certified Validation Practitioner. Mary serves on the Steering Team of Dementia Friendly Western North Carolina, a grassroots organization promoting dementia awareness and education. Through that business, she is available for hire to co-facilitate other area support groups, provide family consulting and on-site staff dementia training for long-term care facilities, and is in demand to speak on dementia-related issues across the country.
When she’s not working, Mary can often be found on a hiking trail in the Blue Ridge Mountains, or when weather permits, on cross-country skis. Mary lives in Asheville, North Carolina, with her crooner husband Tom and their celebrity dog Sammy.
To contact Mary about the MemoryCaregivers Network, please email her at To contact her about her private speaking and consulting work, please email her at